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We become what we invest in

In order to reach net zero, companies must understand their carbon footprint, design their climate roadmap and implement their climate action plan. We can’t act impactfully if we don’t know where we should spend our time and energy for the best (triple bottom line (ESG) measured) results.  This article is the start of your journey. […]

How to Market?

Research your target audience The first step in successful marketing is figuring out who you’re talking to-your so-called target market. This will help determine how you craft your marketing materials. For example, if you’re targeting Australian audiences, you want to use Australian English, not American English. Shopify has pointers for determining your target audience. They […]

WaterTech Solutions

Fluid Innovation The trends driving nature loss, and the social and economic questions with which they are closely linked, have diverse implications for businesses, presenting both significant risks and opportunities. GEO-5 for Business considers the operational, market, reputational and policy implications of environmental trends on ten business sectors, from extractives to finance to food and […]

Wise Leadership : Why?

Quick Read  |  Commercial  Synopsis | Academic Sources The Need for Wise Leadership in Start-ups An introduction to Wise Leadership Co-authored by Dr Elizabeth King and Kenneth von Rausch for RedPepper Mergers and GreenPepper Capital Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If’, was written as advice to his son in 1895. But it also captures the challenge faced by start-ups, [...]

ESG is essential

Responsible investment unpacked Responsible investment has many names. This happens because the overarching definition gets hijacked by entities seeking to promote a preferred sales proposition, in an attempt to be commercially competitive. These alternatives include terms like “socially responsible investing”, “sustainable investing”, “impact investing”, and “mission-related investing” among many others. At GreenPepperCapital, we use overarching […]

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